Building Web Communities

B2B Email Marketing Consultant

Optimize Your Email Marketing to Generate More Sales and Sponsorships

Best B-to-B Automated Series (Auto Responder): Honorable Mention

Email is thriving. Despite concerns about spam, email has become your customers' preferred medium for receiving information and news about products, services, and events. And there is more good news: email is interactive, inexpensive, and its results are measurable, which means you know and can improve your return on investment.

But it is important to get email marketing right. Why?

  • Putting the wrong people in charge of managing and sending your campaigns can damage your brand in the eyes of your customers.
  • Sending ad hoc campaigns that are not compelling or timely will cause your customers to tune you out.
  • Misjudging how filtering technologies, blacklisting, and government regulations work will prevent them from receiving your messages at all.
  • If you are not working hard at acquisition, then your list will wither.

Articles by Matt Carroll:
Split Testing Improves Results “Up to 191 Percent”

Optimize the New Subscriber Experience

You don't want any of these things to happen. It is worth the investment to optimize your email marketing. I help you do the following:

to get started on your needs assessment.


Email Marketing Consulting

Search Engine Optimization

Conversion Rate Marketing

Site Redesign

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